Thursday, February 14, 2013

Bishop Sample on Sacred Music

I can't wait to read the pastoral letter of Bishop Sample, who has been named as the new Archbishop of Portland, OR.

Here is the link:

I've only skimmed through it, but from what I have read it looks great!


Anonymous said...

I've noticed that many parishes seem to have the goal of having their weekly bulletin complete and online by the end of the day on Fridays. It would be good if All Saints could do that.

Do your office staff need additional volunteer help in getting tasks like these done?

Praedica Verbum said...

I think your idea is very good. So many people go first to the internet for information. I am sure any extra volunteer help would be appreciated. The office number is 865-531-0770

Rood Screen said...

My parish uses FlockNote to distribute announcements.