Thursday, May 6, 2010

Another great Catholic video

I found a great blog entry over at the American Papist blog. Once again, in our tech savvy culture and with the instruments of social communications so easily in our grasp here is a good example of some people over in Illinois getting together and evangelizing through mass media.

It is a video advertising the Illinois Catholic Prayer Breakfast but it is a great presentation (in sound-bite form) of the Catholic Faith:

I've always been impressed by the work of Grassroots films who produced the great Fishers of Men video which I blogged about earlier.

But the company that produced this video was Spirit Juice Studios which fills in a void in Catholic PR and visual/web media. I look forward to seeing some of their other products.

Back to the clip itself, Thomas Peters had this to say in response:

"The phrase “Simply Catholic” comes from Cardinal George’s book The Difference God Makes, which I (perhaps providentially) read on my flight into Chicago. The phrase represents the Cardinal’s proposed solution to the struggle between orthodox and liberal wings of the Church, or more accurately, the perversion of orthodoxy which can happen on both the left and right sides of the Church.

Orthodoxy, of course, inasmuch as it represents the objective adherence to the truths of our Catholic faith and applied to our own times, is being “Simply Catholic.” Thus being simply Catholic does not represent a “lowest-common-denominator” approach, but calls all Catholics to fully embrace and live the saving truths contained in the Church’s deposit of faith. It represents a very high standard, not a low one."

What a great message and once again, another great Catholic video!

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